Lead Generation: How to Bring in More Business

Lead generation is something all small businesses need and it doesn’t always come easily. Whether you know the term, you are certainly familiar with the concept. So, what is lead generation? “It's a way of warming up potential customers to your business and getting them on the path to eventually buying,” according to Lindsay Kolowich.

A lot of advertising only does the first part, warming up potential customers.

Some examples of traditional advertising that we all think of are:

  • tv commercials

  • print ads in magazines

  • billboards

Basically, these things just create awareness. This is a necessary part of lead generation, but it’s not the full equation. Lead generation is a two-part problem where:

Awareness + Action = Lead Generation

So, lead generation is different from advertising? It is and it isn't. Lead generation uses traditional advertising, but advertising doesn't necessarily equal lead generation. Action is the crucial step that often gets overlooked.

Action! So, what does action look like in lead generation?

You need your target market to interact with you, even in small ways. You know the saying, it takes two to tango. If you are just pushing your brand but not providing ways for your audience to interact you will lose customers. A term you may be familiar with is CTA, (Call To Action) which is a hype phrase meaning ask your audience to interact with you.

This does two things.

One it helps build a relationship with your target audience.

If you wave at your next-door neighbor, you’ve started building a relationship with them. If your target audience likes your Facebook page they have made a step towards building a relationship with your brand, just like you have by waving at your neighbor. 

The second key thing a Call To Action does is let people know what you expect from them, and what they can expect from you.

It says we want your business and if you share your email address with us we will give you some awesome free content because we appreciate you trusting us. Or if you click the subscribe button then you’ll get notified when I make more videos. Or if you order 1 large pizza we’ll throw in a medium for half off. This brings us to an imaginary case study…

Kayla’s Pizza

Let’s look at an imaginary pizza place in a college town. Kayla owns Kayla’s Pizza. So far her marketing includes a sign on her building, word of mouth, and coupons for students.

If Kayla wants to scale her business, so that she can open a second Kayla’s Pizza in another college town, she is going to need to do more. She is going to need to inspire action from her potential customers. In other words, she is going to need to generate leads so she can help build a stronger client base.

Here are some ways Kayla could acquire leads:

  • Buy Leads: buy advertising through Google or Facebook.

  • Create an Incentive Program: using a platform like Square, she can incentivize active customers by collecting their emails (Action) as part of a program. For example, buy 4 pizzas and the 5th is half off.

  • Go to Events: connect with brand new clients and customers at Freshmen events. Perhaps she will give away free pizza in exchange for email addresses. Now Kayla can reach out directly to customers and remind them of deals and specials. This is an active lead generation and it is a very successful way to grow your business.

There are several things you can do to grow your business, but with the majority of clients we work with lead generation is the number one thing I recommend to successfully scale or grow their business.

What are the best practices for lead generation in your field?

This all depends on understanding your target market, which is a topic we will talk about in another post.

Reach out today to schedule a lead generation consultation with Red 11 Media and we’ll help you grow your business.



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